+1 for the above improvement. Also, a confidence score column would be helpful. With search results ordered by confidence score
I would like to see how or why a particular term mapped. I searched Gardasil 9 this morning and it returns " 0.5 ML L1 protein, Human papillomavirus type 11 Vaccine 0.08 MG/ML / L1 protein, Human papillomavirus type 16 Vaccine 0.12 MG/ML / L1 protein, Human papillomavirus type 18 Vaccine 0.08 MG/ML / L1 protein, Human papillomavirus type 31 Vaccine 0.04 MG/ML /". Gardasil isn’t in the string and I have to click on the it to uncover the match. Is there anyway the “match” could also be brought forward?