Hi everyone,
Hope you are well.
We are currently in the process of working through the points we need to complete for milestone document 2. I wanted to check is it a requirement Atlas be part of the technical infrastructure?
Many thanks,
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Hi everyone,
Hope you are well.
We are currently in the process of working through the points we need to complete for milestone document 2. I wanted to check is it a requirement Atlas be part of the technical infrastructure?
Many thanks,
It isn’t a requirement, but certainly recommended. You could develop cohorts and characterizations using OHDSI R packages, but Atlas provides a web-based approach to this.
Are you setting your stack up using Broadsea (Docker)?
Thanks @Ajit_Londhe for the response. It looks like our data partner would like to try using Atlas.
For ease of setup and maintenance, would you recommend using Broadsea to deploy Atlas? Currently we have setup our mapping tools and database servers on Microsoft Azure.
I would recommend Broadsea. We’re in the process of reviewing a new version of it, but for now, please use this repo: