404 on Cohort Definitions

I keep getting 404 and 500 when I try to access Cohort Definitions.
I’ve moved my vocab schema from the combine (data+vocab) to the vocab schema. I also renamed my schema from ohdsi_demo to cdm.

I am confused on why this is happening — I wasn’t able to scour thorugh forums for this question. Any help is appreciated and thank you to this community for being so supportive!

Check your Tomcat/webserver logs to find out what is up with the 500 error (500 error means an exception was thrown on the back-end, but the details of the error is not being delivered to the client).

The 404 means it is requesting a WebAPI endpoint that doesn’t exist. That could happen if your Atlas version is out of sync with your WebAPI version. When you go to the /WebAPI/info endpoint in a new browser, it should give you information about the WebAPI version. If it is earlier than your Atlas Version, then you either need to install an older version of atlas or update your version of webapi.

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