[2022 US Symposium] #66 - Episode and Episode Event Tables Documentation

Hello All
We are building OMOP CDM ONcology extension. Can you provide the link for the ETL that loads EPISODE and EPISODE_EVENT tables?
Thank you for your assistance.

Hi Everyone!
Iā€™m looking for the ETLā€™s too!
Iā€™m new in OMOP so Iā€™m reading and learning a lot. Recently I started a job where the idea is implement OMOP 6.0 with the oncology extension and for now Iā€™m doing a resarch about all tables and in particular how to populate EPISODE and EPISODE_EVENT.
Any help will be great!
Thank you in advance.

FYI: Per the CDM conventions page here, ā€œPlease be aware that v6.0 of the OMOP CDM is not fully supported by the OHDSI suite of tools and methodsā€. The OHDSI community is using v5.4 and there are not, and probably never will be, plans to use v6.0. You should convert your data to v5.4.

RE: Oncology Extension ETLs and lots of other info, start by visiting the Oncology page here.

Thank you @MPhilofsky ! It will be very useful.
Please let me ask you, Why you said ā€œā€¦and probably never will beā€¦ā€? Is there any problem with version 6.0?