Good questions
- I don’t think we really need one common ancestor for various type of smokers. We proceedeed with oversimplification with the whole model
So if your data is granular enough, use specific type of smokers. If not, use Cigarette smoker. If you need all smokers, just pick all of them while building your concept set / cohort.
- Do we have data granular enough?
Let’s assume patient smoked cigarettes for 5 years, then switched to moist tobacco for 2 years, then smoked 2 packs a single day for some reason, and then switched to something else. Would it be accurately reflected in the data? How should we treat this patient? Yes, Tobacco or its derivatives user
is the right concept.
Now never users. We can name it a feature of the model. You no longer need to care about these small differences.
If the patient never smoked, but used other types of tobacco, he/she is a Tobacco or its derivatives user, period.
“Never smoked” was included in the synonyms list because it is a very common name to discuss tobacco behaviour in clinics and because logically, every smoker used tobacco. So
IF Never used tobacco THEN Never smoked.
It is a small change. We can remove the synonym if it feels confusing.
- Personally I think that we lose too much here. We already spotted some analysis where these concepts could have been helpful. Let’s here from the Community.