Registration is officially open for the 2017 OHDSI F2F meeting which will take place on March 17-18th at GeorgiaTech in Atlanta.
The F2F meeting is an annual event which aims to give active OHDSI collaborators the opportunity to openly discuss challenges facing our research community and work towards shared solutions. The 2017 face-to-face will be a two day event consisting of community discussions, working group break-out sessions, and hack-a-thon activities. All attendees are expected to actively participate.
If you are interested in attending, the agenda and registration form are available here:
Please note: Completion of the form does not guarantee your registration for the 2017 OHDSI face-to-face meeting. Each registration request will be reviewed by the OHDSI leadership team. Once reviewed, you will receive an email offering you a space and asking you to confirm your attendance.
“The success of most things depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed”
- Montesquieu