2016 OHDSI Symposium Planning Committee - Call for Volunteers

Now that 2016 is in full swing it’s time to start thinking about the 2016 OHDSI Symposium. Just like last year, we plan to hold the symposium in October which means the planning needs to start now!

To aide with the planning, I’m looking for volunteers to sit on the Symposium Planning Committee. Joining the committee would involve sitting in on regular meetings and providing input/feedback on various aspects of the symposium such as:

  • Symposium Agenda:
  • Presentation topics
  • Presenters and panelists
  • Poster session, software demonstrations and workshops
  • Call for abstracts
  • Abstract submission and review
  • Participant engagement
  • Symposium logistics

The planning committee will first convene in late February/early March and continue meeting on a bi-weekly basis until the symposium in October.

If you would like to join this year’s committee please let me know by replying to this thread, or by email at beaton@ohdsi.org. If you require a more formal invitation, please let me know and I would be happy to prepare a written invitation letter for you.