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I am Peter Rijnbeek I work since 1996 at the Department of Medical Informatics at the Erasmus University Medical Center in The Netherlands. I have a MSc in electrical engineering with a focus on pattern recognition from Technical University Delft. My PhD was on the development of an expert system for automatic interpretation of pediatric ECGs and the application of machine learning techniques in this area.

Currently, I am heavily involved in many European and global projects related to data aggregation. I lead the infrastructure team at EMC that develops tools for this purpose. For example, in the EMIF project I lead the workpackage related to data extraction and transformation in a distributed data network (http://www.emif.eu). Next to that I am in the core team of the EUADR-Alliance which performs studies for industry and regulators in Europe.

Collaborating with OHDSI is a no-brainer for me. I think there are major opportunities in this field and this community can be instrumental for sure. I have a personal interest in Patient Level Prediction Modelling and will be leading this workgroup together with Jenna Reps.

Looking forward to a great OHDSI adventure.
