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(THEMIS 2) How do you handle missing visit end dates?

can you do visit_end_date = date of most recent data/etl, but mark discharge_to_concept_id as 'receiving care actively"

I like @Gowtham_Rao add above but is there a concept for this. There is a discharge code of 30-still patient but that doesn’t seem to have a good standardize CONCEPT_ID. Do we need to create one or was there one you were thinking of?

If I’m processing all this properly . . .

`Visit_end_date is mandatory. Use the best information to infer a visit end date. If end dates are not provided, possible ways to derive them include:

  1. Outpatient Visit: end_date=start_date
  2. Emergency Room Visit: end_date=start_date
  3. Inpatient Visit: usually there is information about discharge. If not you should be able to derive from the sudden decline of activity, or from the absence of inpatient procedures/drugs. But the latter would be not obvious.
  4. Long Term Care Visits: particularly for claims data, if end dates are not provided assume the visit is for the duration of month that it occurs.
  5. For inpatient visits ongoing at the date of ETL, put today’s date as mandatory visit_end_date and set the DISCHARGE_TO_CONCEPT_ID as TBD CONCEPT_ID`

Add this as a convention under VISIT_OCCURRENCE

@MPhilofsky - what do you think?

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@ericaVoss & @Gowtham_Rao,

#5, Ongoing inpatient visits, with the concept_id Gowtham suggested will work for our purposes.



Good add @Gowtham_Rao and @MPhilofsky.

`Visit_end_date is mandatory. Use the best information to infer a visit end date. If end dates are not provided, possible ways to derive them include:

  1. Outpatient Visit: end_date=start_date
  2. Emergency Room Visit: end_date=start_date
  3. Inpatient Visit: usually there is information about discharge. If not you should be able to derive from the sudden decline of activity, or from the absence of inpatient procedures/drugs. But the latter would be not obvious.
  4. Long Term Care Visits: particularly for claims data, if end dates are not provided assume the visit is for the duration of month that it occurs.
  5. For inpatient visits ongoing at the date of ETL, put date of processing the data as mandatory visit_end_date and VISIT_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID with 32220-“Still patient” to identify the visit as incomplete.`

Add this as a convention under VISIT_OCCURRENCE


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All - The concept ID 32220 - Still Patient is not standard. Should we really be using this?

What for?

Should we bring this to Themis or petition the vocabulary team to make this a standard concept id?

it’s already there.

@Christian_Reich I don’t see any reasons why this concept can’t be standard.


Probably we should populate with that concept discharge_to_concept_id field since 32220-“Still patient” concept is from domain “Visit” and vocabulary “UB04 Pt dis status” and has nothing to do with the provenance of source data?

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Yeah, this is a little odd. I don’t think a Type Concept is the right way. It would be something “From UB04 claim form” if we need that level of detail. What we really need is a convention for a future unknown date and put that into VISIT_END_DATE. How about 31-Dec-2099 like in the vocabularies? However, this would screw up Visit duration calculations. To be honest with you an empty VISIT_END_DATE makes the most sense here. Should we revoke the THEMIS rule?


I like that

Want to put an issue in, @Dymshyts?

VISIT_OCCURRENCE.visit_end_date is nullable.
So there’s no CommonDataModel issue.

Is nullable in v6, but the VISIT_OCCURRENCE.visit_end_datetime is required in v6. And in v5.3 the visit_end_date is required, but visit_end_datetime is not required.

Having a nullable visit_end_date/time may not be the best idea because many sources don’t have end_date for Outpatient Visits. So, there will be millions/billions of visits with no end_dates if the field isn’t required. And then folks running a study will have all these visits that start and never end. Let’s keep visit_end_date/time as a required field UNLESS discharge_to_concept_id = 32220, “Still patient”. If the Person is not currently a patient, their Visit has ended and an end_date should be populated.


It sounds like we need to relive Still patient Visit concept.

But I wouldn’t use it in visit_type_concept_id field.
As for me, discharge_to_concept_id field suggested by @Gowtham_Rao fits better.
It’s currently the case for the patient’s death, absence without leave, and self-discharge against medical advice.

@ericaVoss Why had you switched to type_concept_id on some point? :smiley:

Discharge_to looks better, agree?

@Christian_Reich @DTorok @ericaVoss @MPhilofsky @Vojtech_Huser

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With? The still patient?


And I suggest we change “should” to “needs” :slight_smile:
