Yes, once i changed the pom.xml properites to have the cdm and ohdsi scemas set to ‘dbo’ it created the tables in the schema ‘dbo’ as expected. This is all fine.
The main problem that remails is that if the scema we’re putting itno our config files is a ‘true schema’ then the sql that I’ve written so far won’t work because the tokens that are in the config file specify the server.schema.table format, which I’m not sure if that what other environments are planning to do (i don’t think anyone indicated it here or in the other thhread i started about db schemas).
So, to move this branch forward, what I can do is make mdoifications to my cohrot expression logic to sue different parameters for ‘cdmTablePrefix’ and ‘resultTablePrefix’ that is constructed in the config file to either the actual schema or a combination of the {server name.schema}. I’ll push it up, and if you get it and it continues to work for you, then that’ll be great.
A point i’d like to make is that while we can associate differnt databse connections to different mssql server database instances, our cohort generation queries will be working across database instances within the same connection, by referring to the external database by a server name int he query. (i’m not sure if this is the case in the hermes sql scripts). What the original plan was to just have a single connection to the mssql instance, (defaulting to master) and have all of our template sql queries fully qualify the table to query from by server + schema. Now, since we’ll have schema properties that point directly to schemas, i’ll change my jdbc URL to point to a specific db instance that the main connection connects to, and any queries I write will have to have a paramter passed in to indicate the cdm table prefix.
In environments where both the CDM schema and CDM results are in the same database instance but separated by a schema, the only thing that should need to be differetn is how the CDM table prefix is defined. This will have an impact on what’s in the AbstractDAOservice where we’ve defined fields to store the different schemas. I just need to add a property for CDMTablePrefix. or some such property name that’s used to fully qualify the cdm table.
I’ll work on this next and push up the changes.