Improve LOINC representation in OMOP Vocabulary (Athena) (link parts to lab tests)

We need one more community advice for Loinc Parts incorporation into CDM for the upcoming LOINC release.

Should we make them Standard?

There are a few options:

  1. Make them standard. LOINC Parts can be helpful in the mapping process but are not extremely necessary. There are a lot of possibilities to perform mapping to SNOMED or other vocabularies without mentioning LOINC Parts.
  2. Make them non-standard.
  3. The best option would be to make it all classification concepts so users can query concept ancestor to get Lab tests with any specified method, scale, property, component, etc. as our initial plan was. BUT since we’ve decided to use the same relationships for SNOMED and LOINC, making parts ‘C’ concepts will require complete SNOMED rearrangement and have a lot of consequences. That’s why not the best decision, unfortunately.

@Christian_Reich @Vojtech_Huser what do you think?