Hello Folks,
I would like to know whether it is possible to know the disease from drug name?
For ex: if a person has Metformin, we can say that it is prescribed for diabetes.
I understand that there might be cases where drugs might be prescribed in combination for other diseases as well. But am looking for a simple most frequently prescribed drugs for a disease.
When we hear the name Metformin, we know that it’s for Diabetes.
Either by using OHDSI concept tables/tools or outside do we have any relationship tree like thingy which will help us know what drugs are prescribed to what diseases?
For ex: In our ATHENA, we see “CONCEPT_HIERARCHY” table which shows the relationship in the same domain. I am looking for something similar across domains.
Is it possible? if not ready-made option/utility, you can guide me to place where I can find something related to this is also helpful. I can see whether I can write any code to get the way I want
Anyone has any experience doing this?