Hi, @Chidam,
There is an option of adding new custom concepts.
First, you need to create the records in the Concept & Vocabulary tables for the new custom vocabulary/vocabularies (so you need to give a name and vocabulary_id), i.e.:
insert into @target_schema.concept (concept_id, concept_name, domain_id, vocabulary_id, concept_class_id, standard_concept, concept_code, valid_start_date, valid_end_date, invalid_reason)
values (2000000001, ‘Custom vocabulary name’, ‘Metadata’, ‘Vocabulary’, ‘Vocabulary’, NULL, ‘OMOP generated’, TO_DATE(‘19700101’, ‘yyyymmdd’), TO_DATE(‘20991231’, ‘yyyymmdd’), NULL);
insert into @target_schema.vocabulary (vocabulary_id, vocabulary_name, vocabulary_version, vocabulary_reference, vocabulary_concept_id)
values (‘Custom vocabulary id’, ‘Custom vocabulary name’,‘i.e., August 2019’, ‘Some kind of reference (i.e. Dataset name)’, 2000000001);
Then, place the custom concepts to the concept table starting with 2000000000 concept_id (don’t forget to leave some for the custom vocabularies).
Since these concepts are Standard, add the mappings to themselves (forward ‘Maps to’ and reverse ‘Mapped from’) to the Concept_relationship table.